Going into its fifth year on the road, the Ben & Jerry’s Scoop Truck needed to do more than deliver product trials through an authentic brand experience. But how does a premium brand with a sterling reputation for quality and civic consciousness evolve an already successful series of tours? 



Stories are compelling, and a narrative thread can link seemingly disconnected events and give them meaning. At the heart of the Core Tour was a full-blown East & West Coast sampling adventure ripe with tales of ‘good’ to be told. It was an ice-cream odyssey that amplified the experience digitally through compelling storytelling and genuine social-media engagement.

While the trucks visited neighborhood hot spots and large-area events in market, the tour’s primary driver was social media as Ben & Jerry’s fans tweeted the trucks @BenJerrysTruck and @BenJerrysWest to receive a free scoop wherever they were! Read the stories of the cities we love and the fans we’ve met at the Core Tour page.

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